Our Services

Drug Offence Solicitors

Fast, expert advice and representation for drug offences

Being arrested or charged with a drug offence can be very scary or confusing with the potential for serious penalties if you are found guilty. Having the right legal defence early on can make all the difference, so please speak to our drug offence solicitors in Swansea, Pontypridd or Talbot Green as soon as possible.

David W Harris & Co offers clear, expert advice and strong representation for people accused of drug offences. We have a track record of helping clients to avoid charges, seeing charges dropped, securing not guilty verdicts and helping clients facing conviction to receive the minimum possible penalties.

If you or a loved one have been arrested or charged with a drug offence, please contact us now to discuss how we can help.

Drug defence lawyer emergency contact numbers

For our Swansea 24/7 service, please call 07496 697906.

For our Rhondda Cynon Taff 24/7 service, please call 07572 746303.

Our drug lawyers’ expertise includes:

  • Drug possession
  • Possession with intent to supply
  • Supplying drugs
  • Drug production
  • Drug importation
  • Drug conspiracy offences

Why choose David W Harris’s drug case lawyers for your defence?

Extensive experience

You can access decades of experience from across our team of drug crime lawyers. No matter your situation, we have the skills and knowledge to effectively support you.

Close personal service

We can support you right from the police interview stage all the way through any subsequent prosecution. At all times, you will have the best advice and representation alongside empathetic, non-judgemental support from our team.

Clear advice in your language

Everything will be explained to you in plain English or Welsh to suit your needs. This way, you can have full confidence that you understand your legal situation and options.

Transparent pricing

The cost of our services will be explained upfront, including the extent to which legal aid will cover our fees.

Consult our drug offence solicitors in Swansea, Pontypridd or Talbot Green

For non-emergency support, you can contact your local David W Harris office in Pontypridd, Swansea or Talbot Green.

Alternatively, please use our simple online enquiry form to book a free initial chat with one of our drug crime lawyers in South Wales. We respond promptly to all enquiries.

For 24/7 emergency support from our drug offence solicitors, please call 07496 697906 for Swansea or 07572 746303 Rhondda Cynon Taff.

Common questions about drug offences

What are the different types of drug offences?

There are four main types of drug offences under the law in England and Wales: possession (including possession with intent to supply), supply, production, and importation of drugs. You may also be charged with a conspiracy offence if you contributed to any of these types of offences, even if you did not actually undertake any illegal activity yourself.

Drug possession

Possession of drugs simply means to have drugs in your possession e.g. on your person, in your vehicle or in your home. The drugs do not necessarily have to be yours or for your use for you to be charged with possession.

Possession with intent to supply relates to where a person is in possession of drugs and the police or CPS believe the person intended to supply some or all of those drugs to other people. This charge may be used where there is no evidence the accused has actually supplied drugs to others but the amount and/or variety of drugs they are in possession of, or other factors, make it likely the drugs were not intended for their sole personal use.

Our drug possession lawyers can advise on both possession and possession with intent to supply cases.

Supplying drugs

Supply of drugs is where the accused is believed to have been selling or sharing drugs. Even sharing drugs with friends could lead to a charge of supply. There does not need to be any evidence that the accused profited from the supply of drugs.

Our drug case lawyers can support you in dealing with a supply charge, giving you the best chance of securing a positive outcome.

Drug production

Production of drugs is a charge that can be used where it is believed that the accused has played a role in the production of illegal drugs. This can cover a range of activities, including growing and making drugs.

Our drug defence lawyers can ensure your case is expertly handled from the outset with no angle of defence overlooked.

Drug importation

Importation of drugs is an offence of illegally bringing controlled drugs into the country or exporting them. This is sometimes referred to as ‘drug trafficking’.

Our team can provide expert legal advice on drug trafficking and a strong criminal defence for drug trafficking charges.

Drug conspiracy

A conspiracy charge may be used where it is believed that a suspect worked with one or more other people towards a common goal that necessarily involved an offence taking place. A drug conspiracy charge, therefore, would be where two or more people made and/or carried out a plan that would involve a drug offence being committed.

An important thing to understand about conspiracy offences is that you do not necessarily need to do anything inherently illegal to be caught up in a charge. For example, if you rented a property that was used for producing drugs, you could be charged with conspiracy to produce drugs even though your action (renting a property) was not illegal.

If you or a loved one have been arrested or charged with a drug offence or are concerned about a potential charge, our drug charge lawyers can advise and represent you.

What is the punishment for different drug offences in the UK?

The penalties on conviction for different drug offences in England and Wales depend on the type of offence, the type and quantity of drugs, the harm or potential harm caused, the defendant’s culpability and any other aggravating or mitigating circumstances.

For possession of class A drugs, the sentence for possession is up to 7 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine or both. For class B, it is 5 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine or both. For class C, it is 2 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine or both. For psychoactive substances, there is no penalty unless you are in prison and for temporary class drugs, the police can only confiscate the drug with no other penalties.

For supply, production, or importation, the potential sentences are much more serious. For class A drugs, the maximum penalty available is a life sentence, an unlimited fine or both. For classes B and C as well as temporary class drugs, it is 14 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine or both. For psychoactive substances, it is 7 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine or both.

Factors such as whether it is a first-time drug offence can significantly affect the level of penalty on conviction, so having the best possible legal defence can make a real difference to any sentence received.

What does a prosecutor have to prove with a drug offence?

Essentially, the prosecution will need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the offence of which they were accused. Exactly what facts they will need to prove will depend on the case.

Our drug defence lawyers will be happy to advise on your case and the strength of the evidence against you so you can make an informed choice about how you want to proceed.

How long does a drug offence stay on your record?

Technically, any crime that goes on your criminal record stays on there forever, however, most convictions will be considered ‘spent’ after a certain amount of time has passed. If a crime is considered spent, you do not need to declare it (for example, when applying to jobs) and it will not show up on a basic DBS check.

How long it takes for a crime to become spent will depend on the nature of the offence and the sentence received, so it is important to understand this before entering a plea or making any kind of plea deal. It is also worth noting that cautions can also appear on criminal records checks, so this must also be considered before accepting a caution.

However, an unspent conviction will still show up on a more detailed DBS check (i.e. a standard or enhanced check). Also, a conviction that results in a sentence of more than 30 months in prison will never be spent.

Consult our drug offence solicitors in Swansea, Pontypridd or Talbot Green

For non-emergency support, you can contact your local David W Harris office in Pontypridd, Swansea or Talbot Green.

Alternatively, please use our simple online enquiry form to book a free initial chat with one of our drug crime lawyers in South Wales. We respond promptly to all enquiries.

For 24/7 emergency support from our drug offence solicitors, please call 07496 697906 for Swansea or 07572 746303 Rhondda Cynon Taff.